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 'Conducting Performance Appraisals'

One Day Workshop

Course Outline

Participants in the 'Conducting Performance Appraisals' workshop will gain insights and skills which will enhance their capabilities and confidence in their role as Leaders.  

During the workshop we will consider what 'Leadership' means, and what the role of the Leader entails.  We'll gain an understanding of the importance of setting goals with our team members, and how to set goals to ensure their achievement.  We'll discover how to inspire the best performance through recognition and reward, and adopt a supportive approach to correcting mistakes and disciplining people.  We'll explore a structure and some guidelines for conducting successful Performance Appraisal meetings, as well as some approaches to enhance our communication skills.   

Content and Outcomes

The Foundations of Leadership

  • Investigate what 'Leadership' means in today's businesses, and how it differs from yesterday's concept of 'Management'.

  • Gain an understanding of 'Employee Empowerment', and the Leader's role in inspiring people to perform at their greatest potential.

Principles of Effective Goal Setting

  • Understand the importance of goal setting in generating results

  • Follow guidelines for setting goals for achievement and success

Rewarding or Correcting People's Behaviour

  • Become aware of the power of reward, recognition and positive reinforcement.

  • Clarify the distinction between Extrinsic and Intrinsic rewards, and consider ways of maximising the perception of both.

  • Develop an approach to correcting people's mistakes which leads to improved performance and confidence.

  • Follow a plan for 'progressive discipline' to address poor performance or misconduct.

Conducting Performance Appraisal Meetings

  • Understand the importance of measuring and monitoring performance, and providing formalised feedback to inspire enhanced performance.

  • Adopt an approach for continual assessment, and 360 degree reviews, to make preparation for performance reviews unbiased and comprehensive.

  • Explore a proven structure to the performance appraisal meeting, with a step by step outline of content and strategy.

  • Enhance rapport-building, questioning, and listening skills to ensure open communication. 


Copyright © 2000-2025 Barbara Hoadley

Course Schedule

The next 2-day 'Leadership Skills' workshop will be held in Sydney. Dates to be confirmed. Expressions of interest welcomed.

This training will be held at a venue in Sydney CBD (address details provided upon booking).   

$900 per person plus GST. Multiple attendee discounts apply.

Group size for Public Courses limited to 8 participants.

This workshop is also available as in-house training. 

Please contact me for more information.

Quotes from Participants

'I now feel I have the guidelines and structures to make me more effective and confident in this area of Leadership.'

'Today really clarified the whole motivating and delivering feedback side of my role.'

'A great session - I can see how using this approach really inspires and empowers team members.'

Course Schedule
I deliver both public and in-house courses. 

Please contact me for more information.




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